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【Dynamic Optics】使用意大利动态光学公司产品发表的论文列表


Daniele Ancora et al

Spinning Pupil Aberration Measurement for anisoplanatic deconvolution.

Paolo Pozzi, et al      Opt. Lett. 45, 3585-3588 (2020)

Plug-and-play adaptive optics for commercial laser scanning fluorescence microscopes based on an adaptive lens.


Jules Scholler et al     Opt. Lett. 45, 5901-5904 (2020)

Adaptive-glasses time-domain FFOCT for wide-field high-resolution retinal imaging with increased SNR.

Hans R. G. W. Verstraete, et al     Biomed. Opt. Express 8, 2261-2275 (2017)

Wavefront sensorless adaptive optics OCT with the DONE algorithm for in vivo human retinal imaging.

Yifan Jian et al            Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 27620

Lens-based wavefront sensorless adaptive optics swept source OCT.

Hans R. G. W. Verstraete, et al      Biomed. Opt. Express 8, 2261-2275 (2017)

Wavefront sensorless adaptive optics OCT with the DONE algorithm for in vivo human retinal imaging.

Yifan Jian et al         Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 27620

Lens-based wavefront sensorless adaptive optics swept source OCT.

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